Tangermünde, Sachsen-Anhalt

After a few days of stand-up paddling, fishing and swimming at the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte, or to be more precise, at the yacht harbor at Röbel-Müritz where we found an excellent Wohnmobilstellplatz for us to stay with the campervan for three nights, we left Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. We wanted to go to the Harz, but first I was allowed by the other familymembers to make a photo again in exchange for some extra holidayday's. It was too hot to go back home and start working anyway. We wanted to avoid crowds, because of the pandemic and the heath, so we did not go to Berlin. That's something for some other time. Tangermünde it was! And Tangermünde did not disappoint me.

Tangermünde, 1924. Photo: Kurt Hielscher. 

Tangermünde, 7th of August 2020. Photo: Casper Molenaar 

In advance and after taking a look at Google Maps, I was not so sure if I was supposed to cross the Elbe river or not, but I was lucky. It turned out not and I could park closeby, at the Parplatz of the crossing of the Stendaler Straße and the Klosterberg Straße. There was a bridge crossing the smaller Tanger river and a dead end dyke on which I could walk all the way in the footsteps of Kurt Hielscher to the exact same spot. The views on Tangermünde were stunning and unforgettable on this sunny day while I was getting nearer and nearer. Now, I am so happy with the result. 

In the center of Tangermünde one can find plenty of characteristic Fachwerkhäuser.

It was quite a walk on the dyke and back to the center in the summer heath though. And I had to hurry a little bit to catch up with my wife and the boys who were strolling around the city center at the other side of the Tanger, and of course, I also wanted to see more from the center myself too. I entered the center via the impressive Neustädter Tor. There was a stork breeding on it. Then my eyes were caught by the Historisches Rathaus, several ice-creamshops and at the end of the street the Eulenturm, without an owl but also with a stork on it. Mouthwatering I passed the Kroatische Restaurant Hotel Adii with photos on the menu of ćevapčići and pljeskavica. I had to make a photo of the restaurant when a waiter noticed me he gave me a thumbs up and I responded with a "dobar dan, kako ste?" I moved on and at the Sankt Stephankirche I found my family, ready for an ice-cream.

Watching the storks on top of the Rathaus.

The Rathaus with the storks.

On our way back via the Kirchstraße, we noticed the Grete Minde Monument, a confrontation with the sad story of a young woman who is said to have set Tangermünde on fire in 1617. Grete Minde was tortured and executed at the stake for this act. Her innocence was proven in the early 20th century. Theodor Fontane made a novel about her life in 1879. In 1977 the book was also turned into a film and the statue is from 2009.

The Neustädter Tor, the Croatian Restaurant with the waiter and the Sankt Stephankirche with its characteristic Backsteinarchitektur.

Unfortunately, we did not go to the 925 AD built Burg or Stadtschloss from Tangermünde. Instead we went for the ice-cream. Family business is all about compromises. In 1373, Emperor Charles IV moved into the Castle, but later it lost its importance to other cities like Berlin and Magdeburg. In 1640 the Castle was burned to the ground by Swedish troops. It was rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th Century and in 1999 it became the Hotel Schloss Tangermünde as it is today, but the characteristic 50 meter high Kapitelturm, the tower on the right, has been made accessible as a watchtower after extensive renovation works in May 2003 as part of guided tours. That's something for a next visit!

Below: view on Tangermünde.

In the footsteps of  Kurt Hielscher